
than the projected savings

The Byzantine empire lasted for a thousand years maybe we can learn something from them.The first thing we might want to learn is that this scattered regionalism ("Kleinstaaterei") where every state pursues it's own distinct foreign policy and plays at war with the few dozen tanks and jets it can afford because the people like their country and their culture isn't the best structure to provide stability nor in fact to project global power and ambition.ingframin 24 points submitted 1 day agoWe are completely different from Americans, we cannot "join" the United States. They are the perfect place for rich people and live on inequality while we have a more social way of living. Their foreign policy is imperialist and they make wars around the world mostly to sustain their weapon industry and to promote their interests. Another hurdle I hadn't conquered and didn't think I wanted to was anal sex. For as long as I can remember, my husband has been trying